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Restoring an Approver

In cases where you no longer have access to your mobile phone either due to loss, breakage or other circumstances it's possible to restore (newly register) an existing Approver on a newly installed Securosys Authorization App.

Restoration of an Approver can be done on the same or a new mobile device.

The following procedures also apply when a device is fully operational but the Approver must be changed, see Settings - New Registration.

Role Required

The restoration procedure is performed by an Approver as well as an Approver Manager.

Backup Password is Known

Follow this procedure to restore the Approver when the backup password is still known.

  1. Inform your Approver Manager of your loss of access and refer to Your company policies.
  2. The Approver Manager will have to issue a new oneTimeCode.
  3. On a new phone, download and install the Securosys Authorization App. See Installation for more information and a step-by-step guide.
  4. Register again with the new oneTimeCode & your backupPassword received from your Approver Manager.
Approver Manager Required

Approver Manager, to issue a new oneTimeCode, please follow the prodedure described in Rest-API - Restore from Backup.

Backup Password is Forgotten

Follow this procedure to restore the Approver when the backup password was forgotten.

  1. Inform your Approver Manager of your loss of access and refer to your company policies.
  2. The Approver Manager will have to issue a new oneTimeCode and a new backupPassword.
  3. Register again with the new oneTimeCode & the new backupPassword received from your Approver Manager.
Approver Manager Required

Approver Manager, to issue a new oneTimeCode and backupPassword, please follow the prodedure described in Rest-API - Forgot Password.