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Getting Started with HC Vault Community

HSM Integration guide


Before getting started, please verify that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your machine. If they aren’t, you can install them by following the official guides:

Configuration Steps

Before running the Docker container, follow these steps to prepare the necessary configuration files:

  1. Create a file named docker-compose.yml ( View sample file ).

  2. Replace {$version} with the current version of the Docker image.

  3. Create a file named config.hcl. ( View sample file ).

  4. After configuring your HashiCorp Vault instance, launch the application with the single command:

docker-compose up
Logging into Docker Registry
  • User: robot.reader.hashicorpvault,
  • Password: FTTGEcruzB_QUf3LBsq+KVV3wYuSx_.

Login to the Docker registry using the command: docker login -u robot.reader.hashicorpvault

Tips for Dispatched Mode

To start the containers in dispatched mode, use the command: docker-compose up -d