Getting Started with Microsoft S/MIME
HSM Integration guide
This section provides a comprehensive guide outlining the 3 major steps necessary to integrate Microsoft S/MIME with Securosys CloudHSM or on-premises Primus HSM.
1. Install the Primus CNG/KSP Provider
Refer to the Primus MS CNG Provider documentation on how to download, install and configure the Primus CNG/KSP Provider.
Ensure the CNG API is licensed and activated on your HSM device.
2. Preparations and Obtaining a Certificate
- Ensure your prerequisites are in order.
- Make sure to have valid certificates issued. Follow the Get your Digital Certificate on how to do so.
3. Configure your Outlook Client
After acquiring the Certificates and installing the Securosys CNG Provider it's possible to configure the Outlook Client to use these certificates.
- Configure Outlook Client to use your certificates for signing and encryption
- Exchange Public keys if necessary.
For more information follow the tutorial to Configure the Outlook Client.