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Getting Started with Microsoft S/MIME

HSM Integration guide

This section provides a comprehensive guide outlining the 3 major steps necessary to integrate Microsoft S/MIME with Securosys CloudHSM or on-premises Primus HSM.

1. Install the Primus CNG/KSP Provider

Refer to the Primus MS CNG Provider documentation on how to download, install and configure the Primus CNG/KSP Provider.


Ensure the CNG API is licensed and activated on your HSM device.

2. Preparations and Obtaining a Certificate

3. Configure your Outlook Client

After acquiring the Certificates and installing the Securosys CNG Provider it's possible to configure the Outlook Client to use these certificates.

  • Configure Outlook Client to use your certificates for signing and encryption
  • Exchange Public keys if necessary.

For more information follow the tutorial to Configure the Outlook Client.