Setting up CloudHSM Access
Adapt the Configuration File primus.cfg
The connection to the CloudHSM service is employing a proxy. So first you need to modify the primus.cfg to add the cloud SERVICE_USER name for the proxy and to set the host and port. The blue printed values must be set according to your received CloudHSM details. Please ensure, that all the bold printed values are set accordingly:
When utilizing CloudHSM service, refer to CloudHSM Connectivity Details for API-Endpoint URI host
and port
hsm0: {
host = "";
port = "2310";
slots: {
slot0: {
client_id = "CLIENT_ID1";
user_name = "HSM_USERNAME";
proxy_user = "SERVICE_USER";
id = 0;
}; /* end slots */
}; /* end hsm0 */
hsm1: {
host = "";
port = "2310";
slots: {
slot0: {
client_id = "CLIENT_ID2";
user_name = "HSM_USERNAME";
proxy_user = "SERVICE_USER";
id = 0;
}; /* end slots */
}; /* end hsm1 */
The client_id helps to further identify in the logs the connection and can be freely chosen by the user. Typically, it is composed of the HSM username and / or application ID of the VM or user.
Configure the Service Proxy Password
Then you configure the permanent secret for the service proxy using ppin:
ppin -p -e SERVICE_USER
Primus Permanent PIN
Provide proxy password for 'SERVICE_USER' : <enter Service Proxy Password, no echo>
Primus Permanent PIN
[01] slot-id 0: user 'HSM_USERNAME' permanent secret: MISSING
[01] service/proxy user 'SERVICE_USER' permanent secret: Configured
Note that CloudHSM services might have whitelisting mechanisms in place. In such cases you have to take care that the traffic originates from the registered IP addresses.
Retrieve the HSM Permanent Secret
Then you retrieve the permanent secret for the HSM partition using ppin:
ppin -a -e HSM_USERNAME
Primus Permanent PIN
Provide setup password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter User Setup Password, no echo>
Provide PKCS11 password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter PKCS#11 PIN, no echo>
Primus Permanent PIN
[01] slot-id 0: user 'HSM_USERNAME' permanent secret: Configured
[01] service/proxy user 'SERVICE_USER' permanent secret: Configured
Now you can use the library. Check your connection using ppin -t
described in Connection Test.