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APIApplication Programming Interface
CACertificate Authority
CISOChief Information Security Officer
CLICommand Line Interface
CloudHSMHSM as a service, operated by Securosys
ECCElliptic-Curve Cryptography
ECOCloudHSM HSM as a Service ECO (Economy) offering, production environment
FIPS 140-2Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2
HAHigh Availability
HSMHardware Security Module (physical or as a service)
JSONJavaScript Object Notation object
JWTJSON Web Token, used to authenticate and authorize users in web applications and APIs
mTLSMutual Transport Layer Security
RSARivest-Shamir-Adleman asymmetric encryption algorithm
SBXCloudHSM HSM as a Service SBX (Sandbox) offering, pre-production/test environment
SKASmart Key Attributes, attributes adding rules to individual keys
TSBTransaction Security Broker, middleware to Primus HSM / CloudHSM providing REST API and multi-authorization (approval) workflow engine. TSB can be operated as workflow engine or solely as REST API, depending on Primus HSM or CloudHSM license / subscription
XMLExtensible Markup Language, defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Format used for HSM key attestation.