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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I got the error 'no handler for route "securosys-hsm/...". route entry found, but backend is nil.'
    In case of no handler for route "securosys-hsm/...". route entry found, but backend is nil. error, try to replace the secrets engine binary and to register the new upgraded plugin. See How to run > Upgrade plugin

  2. Why I don't get a public key and policy on some key types
    Some key types are symmetric, and therefore don't have a public key nor a SKA policy.

  3. I have an error on unwrapping a key - status: 500, body: {"errorCode":701,"reason":"","message":"Error unwrapping key"}
    Probably the provided key label is already in use with another key on the HSM, or the request contains a policy for a symmetric key.