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Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme, or ECIES, is a hybrid encryption system proposed by Victor Shoup in 2001.

Commands will require an established <HSM connection and credentials> parameter to be able to execute properly. For further assistance on how to prepare your <HSM connection and credentials> parameter, see HSM Connection and Access Credentials section.

ECC IES Chunking Decrypt

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme chunking file decryption:

 java -jar primus-tools.jar IesChunkingDecrypt  <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname <keyname> [-keypassword <keypassword>] [-infile <input file>] [-outfile <output file>]

ECC IES Chunking Encrypt

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme chunking file encryption:

java -jar primus-tools.jar IesChunkingEncrypt <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname <keyname> [-keypassword <keypassword>] [-infile <input file>] [-outfile <output file>]

IES Decryption

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme file decryption:

java -jar primus-tools.jar IesDecrypt <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname <keyname> [-keypassword <keypassword>] [-infile <input file>] [-outfile <output file>]

IES Encrypt

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme file encryption

java -jar primus-tools.jar IesEncrypt <HSM connection and credentials> / -keyname <keyname> [-keypassword <keypassword>] [-infile <input file>] [-outfile <output file>]