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EMV Related Commands

EMV is a trademark of EMVCo LLC, the regulator agency, originally formed by Europay International, Master-Card International and Visa International, to manage, maintain and enhance the EMV Integrated Circuit Card specification for Payment Systems.

With EMV commands import or export a split 3DES key into or out of the HSM.


TDEA and DDEA keys and algorithms are outdated and just supported for migration compatibility.

Commands will require an established <HSM connection and credentials> parameter to be able to execute properly. For further assistance on how to prepare your <HSM connection and credentials> parameter, see HSM Connection and Access Credentials section.

Import Wrapped Key

Import a wrapped (encrypted) key into the HSM.


HSM must allow key import and key must not exist prior import. Setting key passwords is not recommended. ZMK must have the unwrap attribute. In case of wrong KCV the key is already stored it should be deleted manually, see Delete Key

java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportKeyWrappedZmk <HSM connection and credentials> /
-zmkname <name of the ZMK> [-zmkpassword <ZMK password>] /
-key <hexadecimal wrapped/encrypted key> -kcv <KCV of the key> /
-keyname <name of the key to be imported> [-keypassword <key password>] /
[-keytype <AES/TDEA/DDEA>] [-ecb] [-keysize]


  • zmkname name of the ZMK on the HSM, having the unwrap attribute set
  • key heydecimal value of the wrapped key to import
  • kcv KCV of the key
  • keyname name of the imported key to be stored on the HSM
  • keytype key type within the encrypted container
  • ecb unwrapping in Electronic Code Book mode (required for EMV procedures)
  • keysize used for keytype AES only

Import Split Key

Key ceremony to import a plain key (ZMK: AES, TDEA, DDEA type), split into 3 parts, entered by 3 security officers including Key Check Value (KCV) according to EMV procedures.


HSM must allow key import. The key must not exist before import. Setting key passwords is not recommended.

Import of plain key split into 3 parts (EMV):

java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportKeySplit <HSM connection and credentials> /
[-deskeyname <name of the TDEA/DDEA key on the HSM> [-deskeypassword <key password>]] /
[-aeskeyname <name of the AES key on the HSM> [-aeskeypassword <key password>]]
  • Use -deskeyname to import a TDEA/DDEA key and -aeskeyname to import an AES key.
  • The zmk can only be used for wrap/unwrap functionality and cannot be exported:
Key flag typeTrueFalse
Export & Modificationsensitive, private, tokenextractable, modifiable, public, indestructible
Functionalitywrap, unwrapattestation, encrypt, decrypt, sign, derive

Export Wrapped Key

Export a wrapped (encrypted) key.


The key must exist prior export and have the extractable and nonsensitive flags set. HSM must allow key export. Setting key passwords is not recommended. ZMK must have wrap attribute.

java -jar primus-tools.jar ExportKeyWrappedZmk <HSM connection and credentials> /
-zmkname <name of the ZMK> [-zmkpassword <ZMK password>]
-keyname <name of the key to be exported> [-keypassword <key password>]

Export Split Key

Key ceremony to export a plain key (ZMK: AES, TDEA, DDEA type), split into 3 parts including Key Check Value (KCV), to be noted by 3 security officers, according to EMV procedures.


The key must exist prior export and have the extractable and nonsensitive flags set. HSM must allow key export. Setting key passwords is not recommended. ZMK must have wrap attribute.

Export of plain key split into 3 parts (EMV):

java -jar primus-tools.jar ExportKeySplit <HSM connection and credentials> /
[-deskeyname <name of the TDEA/DDEA key> [-deskeypassword <key password>]] /
[-aeskeyname <name of the AES key> [-aeskeypassword <key password>]]