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KeytoolX & JarsignerX


KeytoolX is an adapted utility within the Primus Tools. It's adapted from Sun Oracles keytool utility to work with HSMs. Has many options, list other commands with command KeytoolX:


KeytoolX requires kt.jar in the same folder as primus-tools.jar.

java -jar primus-tools.jar KeytoolX
Key and Certificate Management Tool

-certreq Generates a certificate request
-changealias Changes an entry's alias
-delete Deletes an entry
-exportcert Exports certificate
-genkeypair Generates a key pair
-genseckey Generates a secret key
-gencert Generates certificate from a certificate request
-importcert Imports a certificate or a certificate chain
-importpass Imports a password
-importkeystore Imports one or all entries from another keystore
-keypasswd Changes the key password of an entry
-list Lists entries in a keystore
-printcert Prints the content of a certificate
-printcertreq Prints the content of a certificate request
-printcrl Prints the content of a CRL file
-storepasswd Changes the store password of a keystore
-keyclone Clones a key entry
-selfcert Generates a self-signed certificate
-gencrl Generates CRL
-identitydb Imports entries from a JDK 1.1.x-style identity database

Sample command with KeytoolX:

java -jar primus-tools.jar KeytoolX <HSM connection and credentials> -certreq

The KeytoolX commands will require the <HSM connection and credentials> parameter (see HSM Connection and Access Credentials) to specify the connection and credentials of the HSM. For more information about the keytool utility and its command and parameter description visit Sun Oracle Keytool Utility.


JarsignerX is a utility within the Primus Tools used to sign and verify Java Archive (JAR) files. It's adapted from Sun Oracles jarsigner utility to work with HSMs:


JarsignerX requires kt.jar in the same folder as primus-tools.jar.

Sample command:

java -jar primus-tools.jar JarsignerX <HSM connection and credentials> [-logging (default false)] 

The JarsignerX commands will require the <HSM connection and credentials> parameter (see HSM Connection and Access Credentials) to specify the connection and credentials of the HSM. For more information about the utility and its command and parameter description visit Sun Oracle Jarsigner Utility.