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Installation Guide (On-Prem)

Document Information and Revision Control

VersionDateAuthorDescription, Changes
V1.019.11.2020PMInitial document
V2.026.01.2022PMDocker-Compose support added
V3.021.04.2022PMVersion upgrade
V4.005.07.2023PMAdded more detailed HSM setup, Added troubleshooting chapter, updated application-configuration files to latest version, added connection parameter endpoints, added sample application startup
V5.001.09.2023PMAdd Infinite keystore configuration setup

Notification and Symbols


This symbol contains helpful or important information for setting up TSB onPremise

Take care

This symbol means to be careful and obey all instructions. You might do something that could result in data loss

Feature or action requires role activation using

  • Genesis Card
  • Security Officer (SO) Cards 2 of n

The following symbols are used for HSM configuration setup:

  • HSM Graphical User Interface, Menu Navigation, e.g. Setup → Configuration → Network → Services → JCE → TCP Port :2300

  • and HSM console commands, e.g. hsm_net_list_config serv=2 serv_port


This document provides instructions for installing the Securosys REST API, a standalone software that facilitates language-independent integration with Securosys Primus HSM. It also includes the installation steps for the Transaction Security Broker (TSB) license, which incorporates an approval workflow engine for Securosys Smart Key Attributes. The instructions cover both Linux and Windows platforms.

This guide has been tested on RHEL 7 and CentOS 8, Docker 19.03, and MariaDB 10.4

The Transaction Security Broker Software is designed to be deployable on Kubernetes as well as standalone Docker containers. This flexibility allows for easy integration into containerized environments, providing scalability and resource efficiency for managing the software's JVM-based framework and connecting to databases for state management, HSM cluster for key operations and policy enforcement, and various logging mechanisms.


TSB software supports three security architecture types (Type1, Type2, Type3), and the document provides detailed instructions or references for their setup.

Figure 1:REST API Various deployment Architectures

Support Contacts

If you encounter a problem while installing, registering, or operating this product, please make sure that you have read the documentation. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact your supplier or Securosys Customer Support. The support portal is reachable under: Your level of access to this service is governed by the support plan agreement made between Securosys and your organization. Please consult your support plan for further information about your entitlements, service level agreements and contact details.


TSBTransaction Security Broker
TEETrusted Execution Environment
SKASmart Key Attributes
HSMaaSHardware Security Module as a Service
mTLSMutual Authentication or client-authentication
RESTRepresentational State Transfer

HSM - Device setup and configuration

Before we can install and configure the Securosys Transaction Security Broker (Rest-API) we need to configure the Securosys on-premises Primus HSM. If you are using Securosys CloudHSM you can skip the HSM setup and jump to chapter Transaction Security Broker Service Requirements

If you operate your own PrimusHSM and have not initially setup the HSM, please follow the instructions of Running the initial wizard.

After completing the initial setup (running the initial wizard), ensure that the HSM has a correct network configuration and can be accessed from the server where TSB will be installed. The HSM can be reached through the default port (port: 2300) unless it has been configured differently. Keep in mind that the service may be assigned to one of the four network interfaces available.

Use one of the following commands to ensure a valid network configuration:

:~# telnet 2300
:~# ping

TSB - Setup and Configuration

During the installation of the Transaction Security Broker, you will need to apply the following application configuration:

  • Download the necessary configuration files.
  • Set up docker-compose (optional, depending on your setup).
  • Configure the HSM-Connection properties in the application-local.yml file.
  • Adjust the logging behaviour according to your requirements.

These steps ensure the proper setup and configuration of the Transaction Security Broker application.

5.1 Download Configuration Files

Head to the Downloads page to get instructions on how to get the software and download the Cofiguration Files.

The previously downloaded zip file contains the following files:

Installation DirectoryFiles
:~/ docker-compose.yml (required)A Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml) is a configuration file that describes the various services, networks, and volumes required to run a multi-container Docker application.
:~/config-files/ application-local.yml (required)The application-local.yml file is a configuration file specific to the application, containing HSM connection settings and properties that can be customized to tailor the behavior and functionality of TSB.
:~/config-files/ application-local-access-token.ymlThe application-local-access-token.yml file is utilized to configure JWT authentication access and necessitates the creation of JWT tokens for secure system access. Notably, this configuration supports a one-to-many deployment model, allowing a single TSB instance to connect with multiple HSM partitions.
:~/config-files/ application-tee.ymlThe application-tee.yml file is used for setting up the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) configuration in the TSB, providing a secure and isolated environment for executing sensitive operations or computations.
:~/config-files/ template.ymlThe template.yml file contains a comprehensive list of all available configuration properties for easy reference and customization within the application.
:~/config-files/log/ logback.xmlThe logback.xml file is used to configure the logging behavior of the application, defining settings such as log levels, output formats, and log file destinations.
:~/ docker-compose-external-keystore.ymlA Docker Compose file (docker-compose-external-keystore.yml) for storing and managing large volumes of cryptographic keys.
:~/config-files/ application-external-keystore.ymlThe application-external-keystore.yml file is a configuration file specific to the application for external keystore usage, (e.g. using the database for external storage option).

5.1.1 docker-compose.yml

Docker Compose simplifies the configuration and deployment of multi-container Docker applications. By defining services in the docker-compose.yml file and customizing the parameters to suit your needs, you can easily create and start all the specified services with a single command.

Take care
  • Ensure the hierarchical structure of the configuration remains intact by using spaces instead of tabs
  • To maintain proper volumes mapping in Docker Compose, refrain from altering the mapping after the colon (:) symbol and only modify the bold-marked (host-mapped) directory.

For first startup of Transaction Security Broker (with default configuration) you do not need to touch the docker-compose.yml file.

version: "3.3"
container_name: securosys_sql
- 3306:3306
- ./securosys_sql/mysql-lib:/var/lib/mysql
- MYSQL_USER=replace-me_db-username
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=replace-me_db-password
- MYSQL_DATABASE=securosys
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=replace-me_db-root-password
container_name: securosys_tsb
restart: always
- securosys_sql
- 8080:8080
- ./config-files:/etc/app/config
- ./output:/etc/app/output
- # by specifying profile=local, tsb takes the application-local.yml config file
- logging.config=/etc/app/config/log/logback.xml

The first service securosys_sql block contains the fields:

AttributesContent description
servicesRoot tier describes the underlying services
securosys_sqlThe name of the maria database service. This is also the name if the service is to be resolved using the internal docker network
imageThe Docker image of Maria Database which is automatically pulled from DockerHub
container_nameThe name of the docker container
ports3307 the port that is mapped to the host network, 3306 the port that is used in the docker internal default network
volumes./mysql-lib is the host mounted directory and stores my mysql schema data. This directory is created automatically at first startup. /var/lib/mysql is the internal docker directory which is used by the mysql database
environmentApplication specific environment variables that are injected during startup

The second service securosys_tsb block contains the fields:

AttributesContent description
securosys-skaThe name of the Securosys-TSB service.
imageThe Docker image of Securosys-TSB available at the Securosys Jfrog-Artifactory
container_nameThe name of the docker container
restartThe command that enables auto restart if the application fail
depends_onExpresses the dependency between services. Starts service in dependency order. In this example mariadb_securosys starts before securosys-ska (with this command services do not wait until the startup is completed!)
portsThe port mapping for internal (Docker) and external (Host) network binding
volumes./config, the directory in which securosys-ska configuration files are stored (e.g. application config, TLS config, TEE config, Logging Config, …)
./output, the directory where the log output is written to (if logging is configured to file)
environmentEnvironment variables that are injected during startup e.g. tells the springboot application to map another application configuration file (profiles are used for this).
In this example application-local.yml is used as additional application configuration file.

Note: Change '' to application-external-keystore.yml to switch to external key usage.

5.1.2 application-local.yml

The application-local.yml is used for securosys-ska container. Configure your specific HSM connection details within the configuration file: config-files/application-local.yml.

Adapt the replace-me_* parameters according to your HSM setup (cluster configuration).


Default HSM connection details for CloudHSM host & port) are shown in HSMaaS - Connectivity Details


Chapter Example of Setting up Proxy Service for HSMaaS gives an example how to configure CloudHSM access using a Proxy (Security Architecture: Type2, Type3).

url: jdbc:mysql://securosys_sql:3306/securosys
username: replace-me_db-username
password: replace-me_db-password
swaggerUI.enabled: true
host: ','
port: '2300'
user: replace-me_hsm-username
setupPassword: replace-me_hsm-setupPassword
encryptionPassword: replace-me_db-encryptionPassword
#proxyUser: replace-me_proxy-username # used for CloudHSM access
#proxyPassword: replace-me_proxy-password # used for CloudHSM access
timeout: 1800
maxTimeDifferenceToHsm: 100
attestationKeyName: 'attestation-key'
timestampKeyName: 'test-time-key'

enabled: false
keyStore: 'file:/etc/app/config/tls/securosys-ska-server.p12'
keyStorePassword: secret
trustStore: 'file:/etc/app/config/tls/securosys-ska-truststore-server.jks'
trustStorePassword: secret
clientAuthentication: none

The first block spring.datasource contains the fields

ParameterContent description
urlConnection string to the database. The domain points to the service name, Docker-compose in the above example is configured to use the service name.
usernameThe username for the sql database, which is defined in docker-compose.yml file at line number 13
passwordThe password for the sql database, which is defined in docker-compose.yml file at line number 14

The second block hsm contains the fields

  • Specify multiple hosts separated by commas, and TSB will randomly select one host, falling back to the others if the first one fails (e.g., ',').
  • Provide multiple hosts separated by semicolons, and TSB will always choose the first record, falling back to the others if the first one fails (e.g., '**;**').
AttributesContent description
hostThe hostname or IP address of the HSM
portThe port of the JCE API on the HSM, default JCE-Port: 2300
userThe name (case sensitive) of the HSM user (partition)
setupPasswordThe setup password is a 29-alphanumeric dash separated string in form of FXAJX-XWVQ3-DC0O5-3SLQF-LJ9L3 with limited time validity.

• HSM-OnPremise (default): 3 days;
• CloudHSM default: 1 week;
• Developer account: 1 year

The initial partition setup password, provided by Securosys, is used to obtain or update a permanent secret.
encryptionPasswordThis password is used to encrypt the user secret retrieved from the HSM. This password can be freely chosen (should possess high entropy)
proxyUserHSMaaS (Type 2, Type3) only: the name of the service user (proxy), as provided by Securosys
proxyPasswordHSMaaS (Type 2, Type3) only: the password of the service user (proxy), as provided by Securosys
attestationKeyNameThe attestation key, which is generated upon startup, that asserts the origin of keys and the HSM environment
timestampKeyNameTimestamp key, which is generated upon startup, that asserts the origin of the keys
rfcTimestampKeyNamerfc3161 timestamp key, which is generated upon startup, that asserts the validity of signatures and certificates
maxTimeDifferenceToHsmThe unit is seconds, log appears on CLI: WARN if the difference between the system time and the hsm time is greater than the specified value
useExternalKeyStoreStoring encrypted keys in database, default: false (additional license required)
useKeyReplicationServiceUsing built—in key replication service, rather than SQL clustering logic, slave datasource must be configured, default: false (additional license required, only in combination with externalKeystore)

The third and optional for development environments tls contains the fields.


Further information on setting up TLS and mTLS files can be found at the end of this document.

AttributesContent description
tls.keyStoreThe keystore which holds the server key and server certificate
tls.keyStorePasswordThe password that was set when the key-store was created
tls.trustStoreThe Truststore which holds the CA certificate
tls.trustStorePasswordThe password that was set when the trust-store was created
clientAuthenticationmutualTLS configuration, an enum consists of:
need: Client Authentication is needed and mandatory
want: Client authentication is wanted but not mandatory
none: Client authentication is not wanted e.g. none

5.1.3 application-local-access-token.yml

The application-local-access-token.yml file is utilized to configure JWT authentication access and necessitates the creation of JWT tokens for secure system access. Notably, this configuration supports a one-to-many deployment model, allowing a single TSB instance to connect with multiple HSM partitions. Please contact your sales representative or open a ticket at the Securosys support portal to setup TSB as multi-auth service.

5.1.4 application-external-keystore.yml

Different use cases in blockchain, IoT or signing (TSP) industries require very big numers of keys to be protected by HSM. The Infinite Key Store (IKS) offers a scalable and efficient solution for securely storing and managing large volumes of cryptographic keys for on-premises and CloudHSM environments when integrated using Transaction Security Broker (TSB).

With IKS, keys are stored as external key objects in the TSB inherent database, encrypted by the Partition Key stored inside the HSM. Thus, the storage size can theoretically grow limitless and provide storage for an infinite number of keys. Please contact your sales representative or open a ticket at the Securosys support portal.

Infinite Keystore

The Infinite Key Store (IKS) is limited to specific enterprise use cases. Reach out to your Securosys Support or your Sales representative for further details on IKS.

6 Startup

In this chapter, you will initiate the Transaction Security Broker to verify its setup correctness by following these steps:

  • Start the multi-container application.
  • Validate the state of the containers and software.
  • Perform testing using Swagger-UI and CURL.

These steps ensure that the Transaction Security Broker application is properly set up and configured.

6.1 Run Container

To launch the multi-container application, execute the following command in the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located. This command initiates the startup process for the two containers: securosys_sql and securosys_tsb

TSB - Dispatched
  • docker-compose up -d starts the containers in dispatched mode
  • Password for jfrog user: robot.reader.tsb here: Downloads
:~/securosys_tsb$ docker login -u robot.reader.tsb
:~/securosys_tsb$ docker-compose up

6.2 Testing

Replace <your_machine_ip> with either localhost,, or DNS-Name (if configured).

curl -X 'GET' 'https://<your_machine_ip>:8080/v1/licenseInfo' -H 'accept: application/json'

6.3 Sample Application startup

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.0.6)

2023.07.0515:04:55.660INFO [kground-preinit] [alidator.internal.util.Version] HV000001: Hibernate Validator 8.0.0.Final
2023.07.0515:04:55.744INFO [ restartedMain] [com.securosys.ska.SKA_EXTERNAL] The following 1 profile is active: "local"
2023.07.0515:04:55.836INFO [ restartedMain] [sPropertyDefaultsPostProcessor] For additional web related logging consider setting the 'logging.level.web' property to 'DEBUG'
2023.07.0515:04:57.853INFO [ restartedMain] [epositoryConfigurationDelegate] Bootstrapping Spring Data JPA repositories in DEFAULT mode.
2023.07.0515:04:57.956INFO [ restartedMain] [epositoryConfigurationDelegate] Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 88 ms. Found 9 JPA repository interfaces.
2023.07.0515:04:59.850INFO [ restartedMain] [mbedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer] Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http)
2023.07.0515:04:59.864INFO [ restartedMain] [oyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
2023.07.0515:04:59.865INFO [ restartedMain] [.catalina.core.StandardService] Starting service [Tomcat]
2023.07.0515:04:59.866INFO [ restartedMain] [e.catalina.core.StandardEngine] Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/10.1.8]
2023.07.0515:05:00.072INFO [ restartedMain] [rBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/]] Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2023.07.0515:05:00.074INFO [ restartedMain] [letWebServerApplicationContext] Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 4237 ms
2023.07.0515:05:00.470INFO [ restartedMain] [nternal.license.VersionPrinter] Flyway Community Edition 9.17.0 by Redgate
2023.07.0515:05:00.470INFO [ restartedMain] [nternal.license.VersionPrinter] See release notes here:
2023.07.0515:05:00.471INFO [ restartedMain] [nternal.license.VersionPrinter]
2023.07.0515:09:41.576INFO [ restartedMain] [database.base.BaseDatabaseType] Database: jdbc:mysql://localhost:4405/securosys (MySQL 8.0)
2023.07.0515:09:41.753INFO [ restartedMain] [re.internal.command.DbValidate] Successfully validated 19 migrations (execution time 00:00.093s)
2023.07.0515:09:41.803INFO [ restartedMain] [ore.internal.command.DbMigrate] Current version of schema 'securosys':
2023.07.0515:09:41.805INFO [ restartedMain] [ore.internal.command.DbMigrate] Schema 'securosys' is up to date. No migration necessary.
2023.07.0515:05:04.609INFO [ restartedMain] [te.jpa.internal.util.LogHelper] HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [name: SECUROSYS-UNIT]
2023.07.0515:05:04.725INFO [ restartedMain] [ org.hibernate.Version] HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 6.1.7.Final
2023.07.0515:05:05.438INFO [ restartedMain] [ SQL dialect] HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL8Dialect
2023.07.0515:05:07.294INFO [ restartedMain] [.internal.JtaPlatformInitiator] HHH000490: Using JtaPlatform implementation: [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal.NoJtaPlatform]
2023.07.0515:05:07.312INFO [ restartedMain] [tainerEntityManagerFactoryBean] Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'SECUROSYS-UNIT'
2023.07.0515:05:11.258INFO [ restartedMain] [igure.OptionalLiveReloadServer] LiveReload server is running on port 35729
2023.07.0515:05:11.284INFO [ restartedMain] [oyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
2023.07.0515:05:11.320INFO [ restartedMain] [mbedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer] Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
2023.07.0515:05:11.340INFO [ restartedMain] [com.securosys.ska.SKA_EXTERNAL] Started SKA_EXTERNAL in 16.413 seconds (process running for 17.706)
2023.07.0515:05:11.343INFO [ restartedMain] [.business.BootstrappingProcess] Executing application bootstrapping
2023.07.0515:05:11.536INFO [ restartedMain] [] First time login. Logging in using the provided secret to fetch user secret.
2023.07.0515:05:13.678INFO [ restartedMain] [] connected
2023.07.0515:05:14.163INFO [ restartedMain] [] Logged out from HSM.
2023.07.0515:05:15.193INFO [ restartedMain] [] connected

6.4 Connection Setup - OnPremise

This Link holds the configuration parameter for, hsm.port, if not specified differently by your Security Officer (SO)

6.5 Connection Setup - CloudHSM

This Link holds the SaaS endpoints for Securosys CloudHSM

7 Example of Setting up Proxy Service for HSMaaS


For Security Architecture Type 2 and Type 3 proxy service configuration must be held. This is done in the application-local.yml under hsm block

host: ''
port: '2300'
user: PRIMUSDEVXXX # replace with your credentials
setupPassword: eoVyt-a7gGg-gjXSw-ESx2t-jv5GF# replace with your credentials
encryptionPassword: MqV1c3-a7v1g-C9Kaw-fqwe2t-jv55GF # this password is used to encrypt the user secret retrieved from the HSM, is choosen randomly
proxyUser: replace-me_proxy-username # used for CloudHSM access (proxy)
proxyPassword: replace-me_proxy-password # used for CloudHSM access (proxy)
attestationKeyName: 'attestation-key'
timestampKeyName: 'timestamp-key'
rfcTimestampKeyName: 'rfcTimestampKeyName'
maxTimeDifferenceToHsm: 100
AttributesContent description
proxyUserHSMaaS (Type 2, Type3) only: the name of the service user (proxy), as provided by Securosys
proxyPasswordHSMaaS (Type 2, Type3) only: the password of the service user (proxy), as provided by Securosys

8 Logging


This current log configuration config-files\log\logback.yml shows how to write logging information to the console and a file on the host machine located at :~/securosys_tsb/output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="300 seconds">
<!-- infrastructure logging (journalctl, docker, IDE output) -->
<appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %highlight(%-5.5p) [%15.15t] %cyan([%30.30c]) %X{indent}%m%n</pattern>
<!-- history logging, disabled for openshift/docker deployment -->
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">\
<pattern>%d %-5.5p [%15.15t] [%30.30c] %X{indent}%m%n</pattern>

<!-- profile -->
<!-- Uncomment if you want to "debug" the TSB: -->
<logger name="com.securosys.ska" level="INFO" />
<logger name="net.javacrumbs.shedlock" level="INFO" />
<!-- Uncomment if you want to "debug" JPA queries: -->
<!-- <logger name="org.hibernate.SQL" level="DEBUG" /> -->
<!-- <logger name="org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder" level="TRACE" /> -->

<!-- channels -->
<root level="INFO"> <!-- set the logging level for all appenders -->
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<!-- <appender-ref ref="SYSLOG" /> -->
<!-- <appender-ref ref="SPLUNK" /> -->
<!-- <appender-ref ref="SplunkHEC" /> -->
<!-- <appender-ref ref="Socket" /> -->
AttributesContent description
Log level – TRACEthe lowest level of information, mostly used for very deep code debugging, usually not included in production logs
Log level - DEBUGlow level of information used for debugging purposes, usually not included in production logs
Log level – INFOlog severity carrying information, like an operation that stared or finished
Log level - WARNlog level informing about an event that may require attention, but is not critical and may be expected
Log level - ERRORlog level telling that an error, expected or unexpected, usually meaning that part of the system in not working properly

9 Setting up Trusted Execution Environment Configuration (Optional)

Securosys Imunes is a confidential computing platform that offers a trusted execution environment (TEE) for secure code execution on tamper-protected hardware. It can be deployed as a single unit or a cluster of multiple TEEs, enabling various use cases focused on scalability, automation, trust, and confidentiality. The TEE ensures the execution of securely loaded and untampered executables, making it ideal for transactional programs and automating trusted decisions at scale. This chapter specifically covers the setup of the Transaction Security Broker within the Trusted Execution Environment. For complete setup instructions, please download the documentation from the Support Portal. If you have any questions or are interested in TEE, please reach out to our support team.

This is done in the application-tee.yml in a new block named tee and general

allowedTimestampSigningCertificates: # optional, configured certificates can fetch and delete all tasks for an approver
- file:/etc/app/config/approval_certs/TIMESTAMP KEY (IMUNES-TSB-PM).pem
## tee
# Identifier for which approver the information is valid
approvalCertificate: 'file:/etc/app/config/tee/TEE OUTPUT KEY.pem'
# TEE target system, e.g. ''
host: **''** # change to the
# TEE target system port, default is '8899'
port: '2801'
# Partition on the TEE target, e.g. 'USER0'
partition: IMUNES-TSB
# PEM file with the TLS trust certificate(s).
tlsTrustCertificates: 'file:/etc/app/configtee/tls_certificate.pem'
# PEM file with the client certificate.
clientCertificate: 'file:/etc/app/config/tee/client_certificate.pem'
# PEM file with the client key.
clientKey: 'file:/etc/app/config/tee/client_key.pem'
# The interval in which the TEE client should check for approvals, in milliseconds
approvalProcessingInterval: 60000
AttributesContent description
allowedTimestampSigningCertificateList of configured certificates, which can fetch and delete all tasks for an approver
approvalCertificateIdentified for which approver the information is valid
hostThe host of where Trusted Execution is running on
portThe port to be used for trusted execution, default is 2801
partitionThe Partition which is configured for Trusted Execution Environment
tlsTrustCertificatesThe Trust certificate issued by TEE deficedevice
clientCertificateThe client certificate in PEM format
clientKeyThe client kKey for mTLS to connect to the TEE device in PEM format
approvalProcessingIntervalThe interval in which the TEE client should check for approvals, in milisecondsmilliseconds

10 Docker installation - Linux

  • Install Docker Engine on Linux
:~/$ sudo apt-get update
:~/$ sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
:~/$ sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
:~/$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
:~/$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
:~/$ **curl** -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
:~/$ echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION\_CODENAME")" stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list \> /dev/null
:~/$ sudo apt-get update
:~/$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
:~/$ sudo **systemctl** enable docker
:~/$ sudo **systemctl** restart docker
  • Create docker group and assign user, then logout and login again to take affect on the group changes
:~/$ sudo groupadd docker
:~/$ sudo usermod -aG docker <CURRENT_USERNAME_ON_HOST>
:~/$ sudo usermod -aG docker <CURRENT_USERNAME_ON_HOST>
  • Test Installation
:~/$ docker –version
:~/$ docker-compose -version
:~/$ sudo docker run hello-world

11 Testing and Troubleshooting

**Error ****Possible solutions **
securosys_tsb container doesn't start1) Ensure, that mariadb container is running: docker container ls
2) Check container logs for possible configuration/connection issues docker container logs securosys_tsb
Cannot connect to the TSB API/Swagger1. By default, the TSB API is accessible through port 8080, so ensure that your requests are directed to this port unless you have made changes to the configuration.
2. Test the local connection to the API by attempting to access it from your browser or Linux console using the command "wget http://localhost:8080/api". If successful, consider two possible solutions: create a host-only network in VirtualBox to connect from the host to the VirtualBox guest, or check for any firewall settings that may be blocking the connection to the specified port.
Caused by: com.securosys.primus.jce.spi0.SpiException: status: PKCS#11: GENERAL_ERROR; for key attestation-keyYou will have to Install and setup Root Key Store, before TSB can create the required keys.
Connected with the HSM-Console type:

hsm_sec_install_rke - Install root key element firmware (root key store and ais20/31-rng)

hsm_sec_setup_rks - Initialize new keys in the root key store

11.1 User Login to Artifactory but fails due to lack or misconfiguration of credential store.

:~/securosys_tsb$ docker login -u robot.reader.tsb
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `Failed to execute child process "dbus-launch" (No such file or directory)`

Solution : sudo apt install gnupg2 pass

Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2018 - 2024 Securosys SA. All rights reserved. The programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Securosys SA; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual and industrial property law. Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs is prohibited. Program documentation is licensed for use solely to support the deployment of the programs and not for any other purpose. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Securosys SA does not warrant that this document is error free and assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these programs, no part of these programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Securosys SA. Securosys SA reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.Copyright © 2020 Securosys SA. All rights reserved.All information is subject to change without notice. Securosys SA assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document or for any obligation to update information in this document. Securosys SA reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.