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Docker - Quickstart

Docker Compose simplifies the configuration and deployment of multi-container Docker applications. By defining services in the docker-compose.yml file and customizing the parameters to suit your needs, you can easily create and start Transaction Securtiy Broker with a single command. We assume docker and docker-compose to be installed on your machine already, if not please install it using the official userguide.

Take care

This Quickstart Guide start TSB with default Database-Credentials and withouth TLS configured and to be used for development purpose only.
For productive setup please read the complete guide on setting-up TSB: On-Premise Installation Guide

Download configuration files

Head to the Downloads page to get instructions on how to get the software and credentials.

Configure the HSM-Connection Parameters


If you are working on Windows we can simply adjust the 'application-local.yml' with the HSM connection properties.
You can leave the docker-compose.yml and other file as it is.

If you are running TSB on Linux, change the securosys_sql image in the docker-compose.yml file, from image: mysql:8.0 to image:

:~$ nano securosys_TSB_1.15.1.1/config-files/application-local.yml

Adjust the following properties

  • hsm.port
  • hsm.user
  • hsm.setupPassword

If you are connecting with Securosys CloudHSM or your own PrimusHSM-Cluster, please replace connection details (hostname & port) from HSMaaS - Connectivity Details or TSBaaS - Connectivity Details

host: ',' # REPLACE with the hsm URL or IP
port: '2400' # REPLACE with HSM JCE-Port
user: TEST # REPLACE with your HSM username (PartitionName)
setupPassword: gwe5p-Y5Lt2-nm4dJ-4SQux-KvLSk # REPLACE with your HSM SetupPassword
encryptionPassword: G5VbL-R84Qy-XQmyR-8RZ5Z-tDtr4 # REPLACE it with some random value (high entropy). This password is used to encrypt the hsm user secret, stored in the SQL-Ddatabase

(, is an HSM-Cluster for Development Purpose only, and require a DEV-Account (e.g. an account starting with PRIMUSDEVXXX issued by Securosys)

Start the application

docker login -u robot.reader.tsb
Password: #<ENTER PASSWORD FROM DOWNLOAD-LINK FILE> # if not know, check the Download page.
docker-compose up -d

Open Swagger

Open the (Swagger) to interact with the API in your browser: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

What's next?