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Sign & Verify

The REST_API license is required to create and use keys without policy


Key's without policy are of different key-type and thus cannot be transformed to SKA-Key later on.

Create EC Key (Elliptic Curve)

POST: /v1/key

Description: Create key request.

Replace <keyname> and password. The password is optional and can be deleted completely.


For more information about supported EC-Curves check: Supported Curve-Oid's

"label": "<keyname>",
"password": [ "R","E","P","L","A","C","E" ],
"algorithm": "EC",
"curveOid": "",
"attributes": {
"encrypt": false,
"decrypt": false,
"verify": true,
"sign": true,
"wrap": false,
"unwrap": false,
"derive": false,
"bip32": false,
"extractable": false,
"modifiable": true,
"destroyable": true,
"sensitive": true,
"copyable": false

Sign a Payload

POST: /v1/synchronousSign

Description: Contains an sign request without metadata.

Replace <keyname> and password.

"signRequest": {
"payload": "U2lnblBheWxvYWREZW1v",
"payloadType": "UNSPECIFIED",
"signKeyName": "<keyname>",
"keyPassword": [ "R","E","P","L","A","C","E" ],
"signatureAlgorithm": "SHA256_WITH_ECDSA"


"signature": "MEUCIQD6085OQP6nrwvDWDDyYFtjIOIXJ1OpY5CIeiAiXU6tCwIgZNNM7KEtpk5vy+GupNhNdyLa4M+humtlLsgZQdJ9fcc="


POST: /v1/verify

Description Verify signature of a payload

Replace signature from the previous response and set the initial payload

"verifySignatureRequest": {
"signKeyName": "<keyname>",
"masterKeyPassword": [ "R","E","P","L","A","C","E" ],
"signatureAlgorithm": "SHA256_WITH_ECDSA",
"payload": "U2lnblBheWxvYWREZW1v",
"signature": "MEUCIQD6085OQP6nrwvDWDDyYFtjIOIXJ1OpY5CIeiAiXU6tCwIgZNNM7KEtpk5vy+GupNhNdyLa4M+humtlLsgZQdJ9fcc="


"signatureValid": true