Create Policy based key
- Simple Policy
- Securosys Authorization App Policy
- Empty Policy
This example demonstrates how to create an RSA key with Policy enabled. It is simplified with a quorum of 1 and a single approver on rule-use. You can expand the policy section with rule-modify, rule-block, rule-unblock. For futher information about SKA-Policy please check here.
The ruleUse
means that whenever the key is used for cryptographic operations, such as signing, decrypting, unwrapping, or issuing certificates, the request must be authorized by the designated approver in the policy.
For simplicity you can use the script to create your approver key-pair locally Create Approver Key-Pair
Run: ./ approverx
(Don't forget to allow exec of script chmod +x
POST /v1/key
- Commented
- Un-commented
"label": "TSB_TUTORIAL_1-RSA", # Label must be unique and is used for any request of the key action
"algorithm": "RSA",
"keySize": 2048, # keySize is required for RSA
"attributes": { # For this example, we'll assume the key will be used only for signing. We also rely on defaults for most attributes (see in response)
"decrypt": false,
"sign": true,
"unwrap": false,
"destroyable": true
"policy": { # To better understand structure of the policies, refer to the concept diagram
"ruleUse": { # We'll set a very simple policy - 1/1 approval with no timelock and a 10 minute timeout
"tokens": [
"name": "Token1",
"timelock": 0,
"timeout": 3600, # Time restrictions are defined in seconds and must be multiples of 60
"groups": [
"name": "Group1",
"quorum": 1, # Quorum of 1 means that only 1 approver needs to sign in order to get a request EXECUTED
"approvals": [
"type": "certificate", # the type can vary based on your preference: certificate, public-key or onboarded_approver_certificate
"value": "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"
# Certificate or PublicKey values must be provided without new lines
"keyStatus": { # Make sure this is inside of policy object
"blocked": false # If setting this to true, make sure ruleUnblock is defined
"label": "TSB_TUTORIAL_1-RSA",
"algorithm": "RSA",
"keySize": 2048,
"attributes": {
"decrypt": false,
"sign": true,
"unwrap": false,
"destroyable": true
"policy": {
"ruleUse": {
"tokens": [
"name": "Token1",
"timelock": 0,
"timeout": 3600,
"groups": [
"name": "Group1",
"quorum": 1,
"approvals": [
"type": "certificate",
"value": "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"
"keyStatus": {
"blocked": false
Use the sample below if you want to create an SKA-Key with an onboarded approver. The key difference when using the Approver Management API via REST is that you can specify the onboarded_approver_certificate
type in the Key Policy.
The sample below is simplified with a quorum of 1 and a single approver on rule-use. You can expand the policy section with rule-modify, rule-block, rule-unblock. For futher information about SKA-Policy please check here.
- Commented
- Un-commented
"label": "TSB_TUTORIAL_1-RSA", # Label must be unique and is used for any request of the key action
"algorithm": "RSA",
"keySize": 2048, # keySize is required for RSA
"attributes": { # For this example, we'll assume the key will be used only for signing. We also rely on defaults for most attributes (see in response)
"decrypt": false,
"sign": true,
"unwrap": false,
"destroyable": true
"policy": { # To better understand structure of the policies, refer to the concept diagram
"ruleUse": { # We'll set a very simple policy - 1/1 approval with no timelock and a 10 minute timeout
"tokens": [
"name": "Token1",
"timelock": 0,
"timeout": 3600, # Time restrictions are defined in seconds and must be multiples of 60
"groups": [
"name": "Group1",
"quorum": 1, # Quorum of 1 means that only 1 approver needs to sign in order to get a request EXECUTED
"approvals": [
"type": "onboarded_approver_certificate", # the type can vary based on your preference: certificate, public-key or onboarded_approver_certificate
"name": ""
"keyStatus": { # Make sure this is inside of policy object
"blocked": false # If setting this to true, make sure ruleUnblock is defined
"label": "TSB_TUTORIAL_1-RSA",
"algorithm": "RSA",
"keySize": 2048,
"attributes": {
"decrypt": false,
"sign": true,
"unwrap": false,
"destroyable": true
"policy": {
"ruleUse": {
"tokens": [
"name": "Token1",
"timelock": 0,
"timeout": 3600,
"groups": [
"name": "Group1",
"quorum": 1,
"approvals": [
"type": "onboarded_approver_certificate",
"name": ""
"keyStatus": {
"blocked": false
This article provides samples to create a key with onboarded Approver to an HSM-Key with SmartKeyAttributes (Policy), to enable true Multi-Authorization.
Status of onboarded approvers can be retrieved by the Approver Manager utilizing POST /v1/approverManagement/onboarding/status
Key with empty policy does not enforce true multiauthorization, but enables the key to be used with multiauthorization later. An empty policy means that the request is executed immediately without authorization.
POST /v1/key
"label": "<keyname>",
"algorithm": "EC",
"curveOid": "",
"attributes": {
"decrypt": false,
"sign": true,
"unwrap": false,
"destroyable": true
"policy": {
"ruleUse": null,
"ruleBlock": null,
"ruleUnblock": null,
"ruleModify": null,
"keyStatus": {
"blocked": false
Key Parameters
Parameter | Description |
label | The keyname e.g., TSB_TUTORIAL_1-RSA . |
algorithm | The key algorithm. Supported algorithms. |
keySize | The size of key. Supported sizes |
curveOid | The curveOid (for EC/ED only). supported curveOid's |
decrypt | Key decrypt capability. Key-Attributes |
sign | Key sign capability. Key-Attributes |
unwrap | Key unwrap capability. Key-Attributes |
destroyable | Key access. Key-Attributes |
- All Key Attributes are described here.
- Minimal attributes:
Attribute | Description |
Decrypt | The key can be used for decryption, allowing it to transform ciphertext back into plaintext. |
Sign | The key can be used for creating digital signatures. |
Unwrap | The key can be used to unwrap (decrypt) encrypted keys. |
Destroyable | The key can be intentionally destroyed (deleted). |
Policy Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ruleUse | The ruleUse for private-key Operations such as: v1/sign , /v1/decrypt , /v1/unwrap |
ruleModify | The ruleModify to modify the policy: v1/modify |
ruleBlock | The ruleBlock to block usage of the private-key: v1/block |
ruleUnblock | The ruleUnblock to unblock a blocked key: v1/unblock |
tokens | A Token array, which are OR associated, if multiple tokens are specified, either token1 or token2 has the be satisfied. |
timelock | The timelock before the approval is accepted, in seconds, a multiple of 60 |
timeout | The timeout after which no approvals are accepted, in seconds, a multiple of 60 |
groups | An Group array, which are AND associated, if multiple groups with quorum 1 is specified, each group has to fullfill the quorum. |
quorum | Quorum of 1 means that only 1 approver needs to sign in order to get a request EXECUTED |
approvals | The approvers (mobile applications) onboarded to the policy. In order to use the key, the Approver has to approve the request, before it gets executed. |
type | The type can vary based on your preference: certificate, public-key or onboarded_approver_certificate (for approverManagement API only!) |
type | The type, for the use of Securosys Authorization App, it is always onboarded_approver_certificate |
value | The name of the onboarded approver. |
- For more infromation about SmartKeyAttributes and the Approval Workflow: TransactionSecurityBroker
- For more information about the Policy: SKA-Policy